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Webinaire 1 "Gain capital exonéré" - La requalification du gain en capital exonéré en revenu imposable au titre de la transposition
24/403-1 Webinaire 1 "Gain capital exonéré" - La requalification du gain en capital exonéré en revenu imposable au titre de la transposition
Webinar 1 "Int. Tax Law" - Real Estate: Tax Issues in Cross-Border Investments
24/402-1 Webinar 1 "Int. Tax Law" - Real Estate: Tax Issues in Cross-Border Investments
Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre
23/501 Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre
Webinar 4 "VAT" - Procedural and Criminal Tax Law for VAT
23/401-4 Webinar 4 "VAT" - Procedural and Criminal Tax Law in VAT
Structuring of private assets by means of trusts or foundations
23/201 Structuring of private assets by means of trusts or foundations
Webinar 4 "Int. Tax Law" - Does BEPS 2.0 herald the end of Switzerland as a tax location?
23/402-4 Webinar 4 "Int. Tax Law" - Does BEPS 2.0 herald the end of Switzerland as a tax location?
Webinar 4 "Entrepreneur" - L'impact de la forme juridique sur le traitement fiscal lors de la transmission d'entreprise
23/403-4 Webinar 4 "Entrepreneur" - L'impact de la forme juridique sur le traitement fiscal lors de la transmission d'entreprise
Webinar 3 "Entrepreneur" - Impact du choix de la forme juridique au niveau de l'impôt sur la fortune
23/403-3 Webinar 3 "Entrepreneur" - Impact du choix de la forme juridique au niveau de l'impôt sur la fortune
Taxation of shareholder and company in the case of personal companies
23/304 Taxation of shareholder and company in the case of personal companies
Webinar 3 "VAT" - Partial revision of the VAT Act and current developments
23/401-3 Webinar 3 "VAT" - Partial revision of the VAT Act and current developments
Webinar 3 "Int. Tax Law" - Mutual agreement procedure according to DTA and StADG
23/402-3 Webinar 3 "Int. Tax Law" - Mutual agreement procedure according to DTA and StADG
Webinar 2 "Entrepreneur" - Revenu de l'activité lucrative indépendante, salaire ou dividende : quel traitement fiscal ?
23/403-2 Webinar 2 "Entrepreneur" - Revenu de l'activité lucrative indépendante, salaire ou dividende : quel traitement fiscal ?
Webinar 1 "Entrepreneur" - Choix de la forme juridique appropriée : Personne morale vs. raison individuelle
23/403-1 Webinar 1 "Entrepreneur" - Choix de la forme juridique appropriée : Personne morale vs. raison individuelle
Webinar 2 "VAT" - Total Revision of the Swiss Customs Law and Passar 1.0 - VAT Issues?
23/401-2 Webinar 2 "VAT" - Total Revision of the Swiss Customs Law and Passar 1.0 - VAT Issues?
Webinar 2 "Int. Tax Law" - New Forms of Work and their Tax Challenges
23/402-2 Webinar 2 "Int. tax law" - New forms of work and their tax challenges
Monetary benefits in national and international relations
23/303 Monetary benefits in national and international relations
Webinar 1 "VAT" - Private Shares and Precious Goods
23/401-1 Webinar 1 "VAT" - Private Shares and Precious Goods
Webinar 1 "Int. Tax Law" - Transfer Pricing Issues with Reference to Switzerland
23/402-1 Webinar 1 "Int. Tax Law" - Transfer Pricing Issues with Reference to Switzerland
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