Teaching: Tax law publications and courses of study

Main features of the tax law

The series "Fundamentals of Tax Law" presents tax law with individual, thematically self-contained treatises, conveying both the theoretical foundations and approaches to solving practical problems in application.

This series is published by Schulthess Juristische Medien AG. All books can be found on the Schulthess website.

The penalty-free return to tax honesty after the introduction of the automatic exchange of information
Volume 8
Die straflose Rückkehr in die Steuerehrlichkeit nach Einführung des Automatischen Informationsaustausches
Daniel Holenstein
out of print
Droit fiscal et assurances sociales, en particulier la prévoyance professionnelle et les aspects transfrontaliers
Volume 7
Droit fiscal et assurances sociales, en particulier la prévoyance professionnelle et les aspects transfrontaliers
Daniel de Vries Reilingh (Hrsg.)
out of print
Droit pénal fiscal
Volume 6
Droit pénal fiscal
Pierre-Marie Glauser (Hrsg.)
out of print
The taxation of self-employed persons
Volume 5
Die Besteuerung Selbständigerwerbender
Julia von Ah, 3. erweiterte Auflage
out of print
Evasion fiscale Une approche théorique et pratique de l'Evasion fiscale
Volume 3
Evasion fiscale Une approche théorique et pratique de l’Evasion fiscale
Pierre-Marie Glauser (Hrsg.)
out of print
Swiss tax procedure law. Direct taxes
Volume 2
Schweizerisches Steuerverfahrensrecht. Direkte Steuern
Martin Zweifel und Hugo Casanova
out of print
The taxation of self-employed persons
Volume 1
Die Besteuerung Selbständigerwerbender
Marco Duss, Marco Greter und Julia von Ah
out of print

More publications

Here you will find a selection of publications for which members of our institute management are responsible as authors.

Swiss Tax Procedure Law Direct Taxes
Schweizerisches Steuerverfahrensrecht Direkte Steuern
Martin Zweifel, Hugo Casanova, Michael Beusch, Silvia Hunziker
out of print
Commentary on the Federal Law on Direct Federal Taxation
Kommentar zum Bundesgesetz über die direkte Bundessteuer
Martin Zweifel et al.
out of print
Taxes on collective investment schemes
Steuern kollektiver Kapitalanlagen
Toni Hess
out of print
La double imposition intercantonale
La double imposition intercantonale
Daniel de Vries Reilingh
out of print
Swiss tax law - outline + exercises and solutions
Das schweizerische Steuerrecht – Grundriss + Aufgaben und Lösungshinweise
Peter Mäusli-Allenspach, Mathias Oertli, Rolf Benz
out of print

Swiss Institute of Tax Law SIST

Our cooperation partner, the SIST Swiss Institute for Tax Law, is responsible for the study courses in the field of taxation.

The Swiss Institute of Tax Law (SIST), a joint venture between ISIS and Kalaidos Law School, offers four different degree programs.

Study contents

The SIST offers practice-oriented continuing education in the field of tax law within the framework of university degree programs (CAS, DAS, MAS, MBA and EMBA), which are characterized by a high professional quality, practical orientation as well as a scientifically sound level. In cooperation with ISIS, SIST ensures the professional, scientific and didactic quality of the courses offered and ensures that the theoretical foundations are always in line with the latest findings and flow into the practice-oriented teaching of the course content.


Our office will be happy to provide you with information about our publications.


+41 44 533 17 88

You may contact the appropriate office at SIST at any time with your concerns about the degree programs:


+41 44 200 19 19