Value added tax. Up-to-date. Compact. Interdisciplinary.

09.00 - 17.00
Webinar - ISIS) - Institute of Swiss and International Tax Law
Pin Location - ISIS) - Institute of Swiss and International Tax Law
Online - ISIS) - Institute of Swiss and International Tax Law
Pin Location - ISIS) - Institute of Swiss and International Tax Law
Online - ISIS) - Institute of Swiss and International Tax Law
Courtyard by Marriott, Max-Bill-Platz 19, 8050 Zurich
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(incl. VAT)
Info - ISIS) - Institute for Swiss and International Tax Law
Lic. iur. HSG,
Harun Can


This seminar dates you in one day compact and comprehensive about current developments in the field of VAT. The seminar consists of four workshops in pairs and a presentation.

In the first workshop, you will be informed in depth about the effects of the most recent leading decisions of the courts as well as the current administrative practice.

The second workshop will deal on the one hand with the rule on the combination of services according to Art. 19 para. 2 VAT Act, where there is a certain room for maneuver of which many are not yet aware. On the other hand, the topic of discretionary assessment will be highlighted and it will be explained which measures are worthwhile in this demanding situation and what has little chance of success.

A presentation will then introduce you to the tricks and pitfalls hidden for practitioners in the appeals process and what makes a persuasive submission.

The Internet is opening up new financing opportunities for entrepreneurs, especially startups. They can present their services and products to the "masses" via crowdfunding and have them finance them. In many cases, the innovative companies are not aware of the value-added tax consequences that can result from this, depending on the design in the individual case. These will be highlighted and clarified in the third workshop.

Finally, the fourth workshop will outline how VAT practice in the financial sector is developing and what impact the FIDLEG and the FINIG will have.

Main topics

- Program -

Implications from current case law and administrative practice (2020)



Ralf ImstepfRalf Imstepf
Roger RohnerRoger Rohner

Performance combination and discretionary assessments



Nadia Tarolli SchmidtNadia Tarolli Schmidt
Urs DenzlerUrs Denzler

Dos and don'ts in the appeal process



Jasmin MallaJasmin Malla

Crowdfunding - financing or more?



René LedermannRené Ledermann
Britta deerfishBritta deerfish

Developments in the financial sector and effects of the FIDLEG/FINIG



Jeannine MüllerJeannine Müller
Harun CanHarun Can

- Program end -

Useful tips

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Why ISIS Seminars?

  • Top speakers
  • Exclusive venues
  • Personal networking
  • High quality documents
  • Detailed solution instructions
Continuing education in tax law
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Compact seminars

You want to build a solid foundation: Compact seminars

In the compact seminars, you will acquire the basic knowledge of Swiss and international tax law in individual topic-related modules. These basics are supplemented by the latest developments in tax law.

The compact seminars are usually one-day events at a central location, but they can also be attended as an online event via streaming.

For preparation and for reference after the seminar, you will receive documents with case studies and detailed solution instructions. The seminar will focus on discussing the case studies.

Integration seminars

You want to think outside the box: Integration seminars

On the one hand, the integration seminars provide you with the basics from cross-tax knowledge areas, for example basic legal and business management knowledge. On the other hand, you can deal in depth with the tax issues arising in this context on the basis of practical case studies.

The integration seminars are usually one-day events with introductory speeches as well as presentations on the respective cross-tax topics. The tax-specific issues are dealt with by discussing case studies.

In-depth seminars

You want to get to the bottom of tax law: In-depth seminars

The in-depth seminars provide an intensive examination of complex tax issues. The in-depth seminars are mainly or exclusively designed as workshops. After a brief introduction to the topic, practical examples are presented with the aim of stimulating in-depth discussions.

In order to leave enough time for the exchange of ideas
also outside the workshops, the in-depth seminars are partly two-day events, where special emphasis is also placed on the ambience.

The in-depth seminars are aimed at experienced tax professionals and those who want to become one.

Working Skills Seminars

You want to develop your secondary virtues: Working Skills Seminars

Within the framework of the working skills seminars, you can train your non-tax-specific skills that are important for success in tax practice. For example, working techniques, creativity or communication skills.

These seminars are held only sporadically.

Update Seminars

You want to be "à jour": Update seminars

In the update seminars, we take changes in tax legislation as well as in related areas of law and changes in tax practice by tax authorities as an opportunity to take a close look at the effects on tax practice. In doing so, the basics are also presented, as far as this makes sense.

Update seminars also include the 90-minute webinars, which are held exclusively online during lunchtime. They focus primarily on current developments.

Seminars Romandie

The ISIS in French-speaking Switzerland

ISIS is also present in French-speaking Switzerland and offers seminars in French. As a rule, these are in-depth seminars. The topic is always selected in the light of current developments.

Tax Trips

You want to expand your horizons: Tax Trips

The Tax Trips take you abroad and offer the opportunity to combine the useful with the pleasant. You travel to other countries and get to know not only their tax peculiarities, but also their cultural and culinary specialties. The training events are carried out in close cooperation with local institutions as well as tax experts practicing on site.

Tax Trips take place only sporadically.