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Structuration du patrimoine privé au moyen d'un trust ou d'une fondation
22/501 Structuration du patrimoine privé au moyen d'un trust ou d'une fondation
Real estate transactions - tax consequences national and cross-border
22/304 Real estate transactions - tax consequences national and cross-border
Withholding tax practice and outlook on current developments (2022)
22/302 Withholding tax practice and outlook on current developments (2022)
Tax and duty treatment of intellectual property rights
22/202 Tax and Duty Treatment of Intellectual Property Rights
Current tax issues in national and international M&A transactions
22/303 Current tax issues in national and international M&A transactions
Freelance work: tax, social security and pension law aspects
21/101 Freelance work: tax, social security and pension law aspects
Financing in Covid times - a VAT issue! (Webinar 4 of 4)
21/401-4 Financing in Covid times - a VAT issue! (Webinar 4 of 4)
Restructurations / Mergers / Acquisitions : évolution récente et cas pratiques
21/501 Restructurations / Mergers / Acquisitions : évolution récente et cas pratiques
Status change, patent box and R & D effort in practice
21/302 Change of status, patent box and R & D expenses in practice
Private shares and benefits to staff from a VAT perspective (Webinar 3 of 4)
21/401-3 Private shares and benefits to staff from a VAT perspective (Webinar 3 of 4).
Employee compensation in tax and social security law
21/304 Employee compensation in tax and social security law
News on services offered over the Internet in Switzerland and the EU (Webinar 2 of 4)
21/401-2 News on services offered over the Internet in Switzerland and the EU (Webinar 2 of 4)
Special issues real estate from the perspective of VAT and direct taxes (Webinar 1 of 4)
21/401-1 Special issues real estate from the point of view of VAT and direct taxes (Webinar 1 of 4)
Tax aspects of corporate financing, including reorganization issues
21/303 Tax aspects of corporate finance, including reorganization issues
Advance withdrawal of inheritance, inheritance, division of inheritance and execution of wills in tax law - only online participation now possible
20/201 Advance withdrawal of inheritance, inheritance, division of inheritance and execution of wills in tax law - only online participation now possible
Actualités en matière d'imposition à la source - possibilité de participation seulement en ligne
20/501 Actualités en matière d'imposition à la source - possibilité de participation seulement en ligne
Real estate and taxes - only online participation now possible
20/101 Real Estate and Taxes - Only Online Participation Now Possible
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- high quality documentation for reference at home
- top qualified and experienced lecturers
- personal networking
- confirmation of continuing education recognized by professional associations
- many seminars can also be attended online
- representative localities
- 20 years of successful continuing education